
The Masorah of Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia: Introduction and Annotated Glossary is unavailable, but you can change that!

One of the barriers involved in teaching students of Biblical Hebrew about the Masorah is the lack of introductory literature on the subject. Although a lot of information about the Masorah is available in print, most of it is in technical professional journals or encyclopedia articles. Scattered about in disparate sources, often not in English, this literature is easier to ignore than it is to...

The reader may notice that this chapter deals with the “Proto-” rather than “Pre-” Masoretic text. Since the work of the Masoretes was to add the vowels, accents, and Masoretic notes to the consonantal text, how can a text be “Proto-Masoretic” (“first or beginning”) when it actually pre-dates the Masoretes? The consonantal text which is the basis of the Masoretic text (M) attained ascendancy over other Hebrew textual traditions during the Second Temple
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